Summer Fun, our version of Camp, provides a safe and engaging place for the children to spend their free summer time. With a broad range of stimulating activities, the program balances fun and learning, and contributes to the children’s ongoing social and educational development. Continued below….
Team games, sports, arts & crafts, scavenger hunts and weekly field trips are all enjoyed in a safe and supportive environment. Twice a week we spend all day at the swimming pool. Three of our five weekly field trips expose the children to museums, parks and farms they may otherwise not have the opportunity to visit; while the remaining two are just straight-out fun: at water parks and amusement parks. Reading clubs, hands-on science activities, and the production of weekly news videos, build skills.
Given the nature of their work, many of our parents are able to pick up extra hours or a third job during the summer, making it impossible to supervise their children during the extended school holiday. Our five-week camp meets the needs of families, providing an affordable and appropriate summer option for the children.
Summer Fun serves 62 children between Kindergarten and Grade Five, and runs for five weeks each summer. Our program counselors are all adults.